Planning to move to New Zealand? Here are top 5 things you need to know
There are unlimited wilderness experiences
Be prepared for any kind of weather
Understand the cost of living
Regardless of where you come from, you need to compare the cost of food, clothing and consumer goods before moving into New Zealand. Always keep in mind that like any other isolated island nation, New Zealand imports most of its commodities and hence some items may be relatively expensive for you. Since the cost comparison is a factor of what you generally spend in your native country, you should visit New Zealand’s immigration site and use the cost of living calculator to determine what you are likely to spend when you relocate there.
You will need a car
Rugby is the national sport
Although New Zealanders love a variety of sports, rugby is, without doubt, their best. The people here appreciate the role this sport plays in bringing people together and as a visitor in this country, you can only support this by watching and cheering a few games. Currently, rugby has been immersed in the Kiwi culture and there are major events all year through. If you didn’t know New Zealand for anything else, you at least know the characteristic dance of their rugby players known as Haka that makes rugby more than a sport in this country. The national team, The All Blacks, is arguably one of the best globally. Actually, New Zealand is one of the few countries that have been able to defend the prestigious world cup trophy.
With so many spectacular sceneries to see, magnificent things to do and a welcoming culture to experience, New Zealand is truly at the heart of adventure destinations in the world. The good thing about New Zealand is that life is relaxed and no traveler should find it hard to cope with the people here. Again, it does not matter what your motherland is as long as you speak and understand English. If you need to polish up your English skills, there are lots of options for you, from conversation groups to formal lessons. All in all, if you plan your trip well and keep in mind the above considerations, you will not have any complications moving to New Zealand.